Get your family ready to celebrate the coming of Christ at Christmas with our FREE ADVENT READING GUIDE

Preparing the Soil

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Praise God for He feeds us daily with His nourishing word!

As women of God, we have the honor and privilege of coming before the throne of God in full confidence, knowing that He hears us and that He answers us. What an amazing God we serve?! As mothers, we have an opportunity and an obligation to lift our family up to Him, to lay each member of our family at His feet, believing and trusting that He loves our children even more than we do, and that He only wants what is good for each of us.

Throughout the years, I have cried out to the Lord many times for my family. Some of these prayers poured out of my soul in moments of desperation. Some flowed with joy and celebration. And, some were uttered, not with words, but through groans of agony, and with the help of the Holy Spirit.

Several years ago, while studying the parable of the four soils as told in the gospel of Luke, this prayer formed from my study. It is a prayer for my precious family, a prayer spoken with love and care. It is a simple prayer based on the scripture. I often pray prayers like this for my family. I love praying scripture over my family for I know that it is in accordance with God’s will, and it is a way to pray with power!

You are welcome to take this prayer and pray it over your family as well. But, let me encourage you to take ownership of your prayer life. As I said, this prayer formed in my heart as I studied His word. I hope and pray that the same will happen for you. But, for this to happen, you must invest in the study of His word as well.

So, today, as you come before the Lord, let me encourage you to spend a few minutes reading this parable in Luke 8:4-15. Before you read, go before the Lord in prayer. Ask the Lord to prepare the soil of your heart. Ask the Lord to teach you the meaning of this parable through the Holy Spirit. Ask Him to form a prayer in your heart as well. May He be faithful to open your eyes and your heart to the lessons He has for you in this passage; and may He fashion a prayer in your heart as well.

As you read through the text, be listening for His voice. Expect that He will speak to your heart through His living word. Let it activate new thoughts and ideas in your heart and mind as His word pierces you and cuts through to your inner being.

After you finish reading, pray. Listen. Let His words flow in you and through you as He forges a prayer in your heart for your family.

Let it be – In Jesus name!

Prayer from Luke 8


May our Noble Team have malleable hearts when we hear Your word.

May we always see, hear, and understand Your message for us.

May we not be on the path where the devil will snatch it out of our hearts.

May we not be on the rock where we receive Your word with joy, but never take root and fall away after a time of testing.

May we not be with the thorns where we will be choked by the cares and riches and pleasures of life, and where our fruit does not mature.

No! No!

Instead …

May we be in the good soil and hold fast to Your word.

May our hearts be honest and good.

And may we bear fruit with patience!

Let it be – in the name of Jesus!

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