Are you feeling hungry?

Hello Reader,

Are you feeling hungry?

Sometimes as moms we can be so busy that we forget to take care of our own needs. It seems as if each moment of the day is filled with changing diapers, wiping runny noses, kissing boo-boos, chauffeuring kids to baseball practice, helping with homework, cooking dinner, ... the list could go on. There is little time left for anything else after spending hour upon hour dutifully caring for our families.

Because of the busyness of life, it is so hard for me to find time to spend reading and studying God's word. I have had to be really creative in finding time to feast on His word. Some days it seems so easy to let my Bible-reading time get squeezed out. It seems like maybe my quiet time in His word can wait for another time or another day. On those days, I find it difficult to carry on with strength in my day. If I let my Bible and prayer time be eaten away by the stress and strain of life, I feel my heart begin to weaken and my bad mood thicken. I am short and snappy with my kids and husband. Grumbling becomes my normal. I feel drained and worn out. I feel overwhelmed by all that has to be done, and it feels as if there is no power left in me. My energy reserves are depleted and starved.

I feel hungry.

When I remember that I left out my time with Lord, I realize that is why my soul growls in hunger. On the days when I make room for study and prayer, then, even if I have the same craziness of the day before, I am able to walk forward in strength. My whole person feels fuller and more nourished even as I pour out love and care for my family. I am amazed at just how nourishing and fulfilling reading and studying my Bible can be. Just a few moments of feasting can keep me full for hours on end.

I feel full.

It's because of this reality that today, I am thankful for Bible study. Below is my thankful message for this Wednesday in November.

Today, I am thankful for Bible study.

I love studying the word of God. It feeds my soul like nothing else. There once was a season when I only snacked on God’s word. As a classroom teacher and graduate student, my plate was pretty full. Grabbing God’s word in nibbles and bites became my normal. Sunday mornings only included worship service; Bible class had become a thing of the past. I struggled and strained spiritually. I slowly dried out and my faith faltered to bitter dryness.

A bitter root began to dig deep into the ground. Each stretching limb desperately searched for water, but found none. With a hardening heart and stoning soul, I gradually grew more and more sad, angry, depressed, anxious, and completely unsatisfied in my life. I needed more.

In my want, I received an opportunity to join a Bible study. In my state of general unhappiness and misery, I apathetically declined the invitation. My husband, seeing my dilapidated condition, urged me to join. I debated and pushed back for a while, but eventually decided to attend the Bible study.

Begrudgingly I participated at first. I completed my weekly homework mainly out of pride in the beginning. But slowly something began to unfold within me. As I sat feeding on God’s word week after week, the unmet hunger and thirst found fulfillment. The searched for nutrients had been found.

What are you hungry for?

Taste and see that the Lord is good!
Psalm 34:8

I would love to hear about your thanksgiving for the day! Feel free to email me at with what you are thankful for today!

Praying that you will be overflowing with thanksgiving in your heart as well!

In Thanksgiving,

Erica Noble

The Well Fed Mom

Join the Well Fed Mom--a faith-filled community of believers encouraging the moms on their motherhood journey.

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